Make Your Github Profile Unique

Mikel Bishop
2 min readMar 12, 2022

As a new bootcamp graduate, I have been trying to find different ways to let others know who I am and what I am about. I just discovered a “new to me” way to do this.

This is probably ancient news and everyone but me knew about this but in the off chance that someone else is in the dark here, I thought I would share.

Did you know you can make your very own readme at the top of your Github profile? Did you know it is way easier than it sounds to do this? Let others get to know a bit more about you in a spot other than LinkedIn or your resume.

Will this help in the job search? Maybe, maybe not, but it sure doesn’t hurt and it is a lot more lively than having a plain profile with just projects and commits.

Step 1: Go to your Github profile.

Step 2: Find the ‘+’ in the top right corner next to your icon/picture.

Step 3: Click ‘New repository’.

Step 4: Name your repository the same as your profile/username.

Step 5: Leave your repository set to ‘Public’.

Step 6: Check the box to ‘Add a README file’.

Step 7: Click ‘Create repository’.


Step 8: Add whatever you would like!

Here is the beginning of my new Github readme:


There are tons of options to add whatever you would like people to know about you. Go give it a try!

